A Catholic Pilgrim Traveling To Las Vegas

I will never forget how I felt when we crested the hill that overlooks the entire city of Las Vegas back in December of 2015. I'd been to Vegas a few times before but now I was coming to live here. After coming from my beloved Virginia, it felt surreal to see all the lights stretched out in front of me. This was what I would call home for the next several years.

I'll be honest, I was not excited about moving to Vegas. However, when you are a military spouse, you go where they send you and you learn to adjust. I'm also a Midwest girl and no matter how many times the military plants me in the desert (three times now), it can't drag the Midwest out of me. I love the seasons. I love planting things and watching them grow; not barely hang on to existence in the 115 degree summers. I love thunderstorms. I love smaller cities where people wave to you and you get to know your neighbors. To put it bluntly, I'm not a big city desert dweller.

At first, when we moved here I was depressed. The Vegas lifestyle and all it entails just doesn't fit who I am. I know some people love it here and I don't begrudge them at all. Every person has their preferred climate and landscape. I learned quickly though that it is unhealthy to spend three years somewhere and not give it a chance to show you what it's got. So, our family branched out from The Strip and took in all the surrounding area has to offer.

Because I've lived here now for nearly three years, this could turn into a very long blog post. Our family has done a ton of exciting and interesting things since being here, so I had to limit myself to what I could write about. I will break it down into threes: Three places to eat, three places to enjoy off The Strip, three things to enjoy on The Strip and where to worship. If you are a Catholic Pilgrim traveling to Las Vegas here are my suggestions.


Giada's: If you are going to eat on The Strip and willing to pay some money, I would recommend Giada's restaurant. Chef Giada is one of my favorite chefs and this restaurant did not disappoint. The views were amazing, the food was incredible, and the ambiance was romantic. I went here for my birthday dinner this year and what a treat!

Runner-up: The restaurant on the top of the Stratosphere.

Lola's Louisiana Kitchen: This restraurant used to be a tiny place not far from the Strip. It's since moved. The food is just awesome. There are times when I crave it and I have to get a Cajun fix.

Runner-up: Komol Thai Restaurant

Viva Las Arepas: Inexpensive, Venezuelan comfort food. Arepas are cornmeal pockets stuffed with meat. Get only one. You'll want to get more than one because they look small, but start with one. Then if you want another you can get it, but I betcha only eat one. DELICIOUS!

Runner-up: In-and-Out Burgers

As a side note: I have to eat gluten-free and all these restaurants accommodate for that.


Red Rock Canyon: When you hear people talk about Vegas, you rarely hear them talk about Red Rock Canyon. Usually, all you get is gambling talk. But, if you like nature and want to go on a great hike then this is the place. Remember it's Vegas so if you are visiting in the summer you are going to want to go very early in the morning and bring water! There are strenuous hikes and easy family hikes. The rock formations are definitely something to see and all the iron in the rock does make them actually look red in a lot of places. You won't believe that this is just a short drive from The Strip.

Runner-up: Mount Charleston

Hoover Dam: I mean, who doesn't want to see one of the wonders of the modern world? Hoover Dam is a great place to visit and tour. I would make a whole day out of it and spend some time exploring Boulder City; the city built to support the building of the dam. There is a quaint downtown area with lots of good restaurants. Then head over to Hoover Dam. If you are feeling especially energetic, I would suggest walking the Historic Railroad Trail, as well. It's all part of the history lesson of Hoover Dam.

Runner-up: Eldorado Canyon Mine Tour

Valley of Fire: There are so many cool things to see surrounding the Vegas area. Another short day trip is out to see the Valley of Fire State Park. There are ancient Indian hieroglyphics to see and petrified wood from many moons ago. You can hike among the rocks and find all kinds of hidey holes to explore. Again, it's a hot place so pack accordingly and there isn't food for miles, so bring some along.

Do you see the elephant?

Runner-up: Floyd Lamb Park at Tule Springs


Cirque's O: When I went to see this show, I had no idea what to expect. I knew it was probably really good, but I just had no clue what it was all about. The title of the show doesn't really clue you in too much. It did not disappoint. It was like watching a dream--mysterious, somewhat vague, and a little odd, but in a good way. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. There are a lot of Cirque shows to choose from and I will caution you: DO NOT go to Zumanity. If you are a Christian, you should not be going. I got tricked into going because I was told that it was about animals. Yeah, right. I guess if a flimsy leopard loin cloth qualifies to say it's about animals, then...I guess. I lacked the courage to walk out, but it's never good to watch people that aren't clothed and are being objectified. Don't waste your money. Stick with something that won't make you want to run to confession afterward. On the other hand, "O" is artistic creativity at it's best and you walk away with lots to talk about.

Runner-up: Blue Man Group

Bellagio Conservatory: The desert isn't known for having lush green things around. So, if my family needed a garden fix, we headed to the Bellagio. The conservatory changes for each season and it's so much fun to walk around the corner and see what the gardeners have created. We've gone every season that we've lived here to see the change. It's refreshing and beautifully put together. Best of all is that it's free!

Runner-up: The free 4-D show at M&M world. It's totally corny, but kids like it. Plus, you can see the millions of M&M's on display.

High Roller: Vegas boasts one of the tallest and biggest Ferris wheels in the world. It's so big that there aren't seats, but pods that you get inside instead. It takes 30 minutes for it to make one rotation. It goes so slow that it barely looks like it's moving. Our family brought a picnic inside the pod and enjoyed our lunch while we made our turn. You get great views of the city and lots of photo opportunities.

This is how big the pods are. My family is spelling out K S U for Kansas State University. Go CATS!

Runner-Up: The Secret Gardens at The Mirage.


Our family has spent the last 2 1/2 years worshipping at Our Lady of Las Vegas. It's down in the old historic district of Vegas. There are a lot of unique homes down there and you can even cruise past Michael Jackson's old home--The Thrilla Villa. What helped us acclimate to Vegas was this church and the people--I will miss them the most.

Of course, there is a Catholic Church down on The Strip and there are plenty of other churches around town, so you have no excuse to miss church. ;) I think going to a church in Vegas helps you to see the people who call this city home. So often, on The Strip, you just see tourists and you forget that real people live here. In church, you see the good people who make up this city.Every place I've lived I've learned something new. Vegas taught me that even in the midst of a lot of bad things, we can still, as Christians, shine our light. I've learned most places do have good and interesting things to explore. Most of all, though, every place I move, it's the people who make it. Our family is getting ready to move here in a few weeks. I don't know if I'll miss Vegas or not, only time will tell, but the friends I've made will leave their mark.Travel well, Catholic Pilgrim!

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